перевести   13 лет назад

Lovers "look at me! You are not going to die! Do you hear me?!" he shouted at her in a futile attempt. In his arms she lay holding on to dear #life. The blow that was slowly taking her #life lay across her chest, blood flowing like an open faucet. She looked at the man she loved and smiled. He looked into her eyes and new in minutes death will take her. "don't cry, smile for me?" she asked barely above a whisper. "please" How could he smile when the woman he loves is dying before his eyes. How much his heart is aching knowing that never again will he be able to hold her small figure, or caress and kiss her. "please don't die." he sobbed. With one last breath she said, "I love you." then was gone. "NO!" he yelled in pure misery and agony. Nothing hurts more than losing the person you were madly in love with.

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