Footsteps And Thunder "One, two, one, two. you can't loose focus now Luna" I was was saying myself. His footsteps like thunder behind me. My lungs began to burn, it felt as if my stomache was set on fire. I just kept running, through the trees, thier long, tall, spiky shadows looking over me. I knew the woods well, I had fathers sense to know where I was, and where I needed to go, as of the trees would speak to me with thier whispery breezy voices. ***** It started a calm, pleasant day. I was helping Rose, my sister with the washing, there was no sign of a breeze or even clouds. The sun shone right through everything in its path. " Rose!" I called She looked in my direction. "I'm going out, tell mother!" As I pulled on my coat I kissed fathers urn and carried on throught he front garden. The woods was darker today, dispite the weather. I followed the usual path towards the lake, the birds whistled to me as I passed, and when I reached the old boat I felt something cold on my shoulder. Rain. "Today!" I questioned, looking up at the sky, still as blue as ever. In about three minuets flat it was full on showers and I crawled under the old boat, to seek shelter. I had my stock of water and biscuits in my pocket and used the old bucket as a chair to keep me off the wet ground, the boat brought back so many memories of when me and father used to go on trips down the river, he'd always have his fishing rod and I'd bring my net, sometimes we'd catch a big fresh water bass or something but I'd never been able to since he had died. When we found out father had been caught in the woods In Sunday we weren't shocked, he had always broken the rules, but to be caught was a whole new matter. You see you are only allowed in the woods on weekdays, if you were caught after midnight on a Friday you we're assumed to be thieving. The stock house was on the other side of Marlick, North Marlick. On weekdays, after you had received your ticket you can go and pick up your rations from the stock house, on weekends, no body was there, to give or guard the food. Father was executed and hung in front of the whole village except Rose and Mother and I. The only thing we got back were his ashes. I hadn't entered the woods until now, Friday the 18th of February 1830. And it hadn't changed one little bit, even the river ran the same. As the water therapeutically hit the roof of the boat I found my self nodding off the sleep. ------------------------ 5 ❤'s for next chapter xx

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