Translate   12 years ago

SILENT I'll step up to the heavy weight. Get downed, like a pint on St' patties day. Place that bet, because you know my mouth is filled with face. Get back up just like yesterday. Maybe today's the day i'll get away. Now I apologies for the delay, somehow In a black and white world,I still stray to grey. Knees confront this earth as I pray, and watch your less than adequate display. I don't know a thing about parenting. But heres one thing that I can guarantee. Your addiction to the adoption of failed philosophy. And your conviction to make changes to the monotony, when in reality it disassembles equality. Instills a relentless sickness, with the quickness and slickness to increase those statistics. Making this process impossible with your warp-able inaugural. Interference has been called on you. Now i'm gonna run the interview. Because I feel, truth is long overdue. This line in the sand that was drawn for you, theres a strip mall there now, you gotta move. Option for punishment has been removed. Good work new age, now they control you. While you sit back and diss old school tactics. Forecast says rain, as your practice becomes the catalyst. Times are changing with a rapidness. "Will someone fucking control that kid !" oh my bad you already did. I forgot, in your world definitions change, watch the words exchange, and then get rearranged. More like morphed and distorted, time has reported. In an attempt to push forward, its all been recorded. Obviously we cant afford it. But you're only opinion, comes from whats been reported. Your media driven daze, plays a huge role in our decay. I'm not the type to sit there, when fingers are pointed at me. I can see clearly the mistakes I make, but the difference between you and me, Is I'll take responsibility. Own that shit and carry it, with hopes of the possibility. That Someday we'll be free of it. Then you can escape your own trap of irresponsibility. Lost in a world of so called leaders and followers. A crumbling structure filled with dope fiends and squatters. I refuse to become them so I'm just gonna keep wondering. We created a world with no one to look up to. So Thank god I know the color chart so I can keep blending, into all sides of this #life, even the pretending. The act is no more than a habitual ritual. The natural progression of a troubled individual. Stuck somewhere in between the victims and the criminals. Still I fallow a strict set of principles. Ignoring all the politics, deaf to the rabble, antics and ridiculousness, sub-principals play no role in the #life I choose. I keep myself defined by the right of truth. Path of most resistance, not always approved by the likes of you. Especially ones that cant believe i'm true, and I'm the one that doesn't know what I do. They had no clue that my crew was huge. Be careful what you think right then. Some of them, are your children. We may not have met yet, but I bet that you can feel it. Making thighs wet, and producing sweat. Waiting on my next line, contemplating, "What's the content?" With every word, feel the pressure augment. Strengthen our connection, as you pull up to an intersection. Now left to you , as to what direction. I'm capable of spreading like the cure, or the infection. Time to roll up your sleeves I'm here for your injection. Don't bother fighting, it was created from affection. The apathy inside me has perfected this collection. Electing me, to be the one, closed down for inspection. To all the ones that feel alone, relax, release your tension. Theres enough of us in this trap, to have a world wide intervention. Maybe when we get there, we'll be embraced by their good intentions. Objection overruled by the wicked ones attending. They need to look around a bit there numbers are a dwindling. The formulation of a plot right now, could prevent and awful ending. Lets all get our heads together so we can begin transcending.

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