Translate   12 years ago

Reazre - Chapter 1 Once upon a time, when mother earth still was young, something strange happend that came to change the planet forever. Now, let us begin the story. The wind came from the north. Strong and cold it blew past the fields where the working people lifted their head from the crops to feel the gust. Something was strange with the wind, there where no mistake about it. Jill looked at her friends and familly but they didn't seem to notice it. Still she was sure something had to be wrong. The wind smelled of sulfur and ash, how could they not feel it? She stood up, looking towards the great mountains in the north when she came to think of the old legend her grandfather had told her when she was still only a little girl. What was it about again...? She kept staring at the mountains, concentrating to remember. "Wasn't there something about...". She was suddenly pulled out of her thoughts when she felt a strong hand her shoulder. "Hey, Jill! " Someone said with a deep voice. "Don't slack of Jill! You know very well how important it is to get the crops inside before the frost comes." "I know..." She murmured. "Then, what are you waiting for!? Com'on and get back to work!" "But..." She turned around to tell him about the strange feeling she had about the wind but he was alredy on his way, shouting orders to the people. She sighted and bent over the turnips she was supposed to pull up and place in the lage baskets which the elder women in the village had prepared. Another gust of wind blew past, stronger this time. The smell was also stronger now, thick and warm. "Wait a minute! This is northen wind! How come it.feels hotter and hotter for Every gust..." She looked towards the mountains again. À sillouette had become visible at the horisont. To be continued... (maybe)

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