Anything's Possible (Chapter 2) And then he came back ----------------------------- It wasn't a shock when he arrived standing at my door, by this time I was eighteen and studying photography at Cambridge. Id received letters asking for forgiveness, death threats and even checks but id never reacted to it all. It was about three in the morning when I answered the door, his tall, lanky figure hovered on the steps, I questioned who was there and then it was over all too soon, my neck was in his grip and I knew this wouldn't end nicely, the one thing I had known was not to struggle. All I wanted was to sleep, I didn't care if I never woke after, but I just wanted to drift nicely in to bed. Then I was dead, well at least my body was, my spirit wouldn't die, I felt I wasn't finished in that #life and that I would not be able to leave until I had fulfilled my aspirations. So that's where I am now, deciding what to do with my #life, or after#life even. I saw the news, dad was caught and arrested, the court case would come up next week, and it seemed as mother was also murdered, the house was empty, and a horrible mess. And then I cried, it was the first time in fourteen years I'd cried. It felt amazing, Like a plug had be pulled, and there was the one feeling I never felt, empty. Things were getting there.

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