The Finger I looked at her. I saw fear, pain and a little bit of hope. Hope, they always had hope. Maybe I would understand it was crazy, maybe I would understand its wrong. Maybe, maybe she would survive. They are all the same- stupid women with hope. Of course I knew this was crazy and yeah, it's wrong but she is not gonna survive. I picked up my sharpest knife and walked slowly over to the table I had tied her up to. "no, pleas no. I beg you" she whispered. I smiled, I looked at her and smiled. " you don't have to do this. You can change" " oh sweetheart, you just don't understand." I said and cut of one of her fingers. The room got filled with a loud shriek of terror. I just kept smiling, an cut another of her fingers. " you see, when I was 11 years old my mom killed my dad. Two years later my sister killed my big brother. My first kill was my mom, she screamed like you did. My second kill was my sister, she begged like you did. And everyone after that did exactly the same. I tell you, y'all are all the same" I saw the hope disappear from her eyes, and slowly I finished her.

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