Anything's Possible (Chapter 1) I thought he was gone, I never expected his long dark face would return to haunt my dreams but anything's possible, as mother would say. I was fifteen when he left, the grey suitcases left by the door, the office empty and his music gone. I was happy, but I couldn't show it, force of habit I supposed. I learned to hide my emotions at a young age, I suppose my ambitions flew out the window at around the same time in my #life. I would never become a dancer, my dad worked in chippy, according to mother, but this never seemed right as I had realised long ago whenever her was home be was blatantly drunk off his head and Mother was a part time nurse. She was a larger lady, she was humble and knew how to cheer anyone up but there was a down side to all this, she could never stand up for herself. My dad was a sick man, he had no respect for girls and fucked-up everything in his #life by the age of twenty-five. He had a three year-old daughter a young wife and no job. As I got older he spent time in prison and it was just Me and mother, I didn't mind it but she just cried. There were some nights I couldn't remember but could feel something different about me. Then the were other nights where I woke with his hands on my chest and then there were times he would just rape me. He left because mother was ill, she was 'too much to handle' and he said and I was old enough to care for myself. It wasn't fair but it was better. Then he returned for me.

  • Aimer
  • Amour
  • HaHa
  • Sensationnel
  • Triste
  • En colère