Traduire   13 années depuis

Attention All Women! Ladies. Not all men are 'players'. Not all of us are compulsive liars, cheaters, after the same thing and most definitely, not all of us lie when we say 'I love you!'. Here's my proof: I loved a girl with all my heart, knowing she loved another. I waited on her to move on for one whole year, not knowing she was seeing the 'other guy' the whole time. She then walked out on me like I was a stranger, after a year of lies, manipulation and cheating. Without an explanation. Not even a word was said. The next day when I woke up, the first thing I did was give her a "Good morning. I love you! Xx" text like always, not having a clue that when she said "Goodnight. Take care x" she really meant 'Goodbye, I'll be ignoring you from tonight and changing my number the day after'. There you go.

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