Traduzir   12 anos atrás

Little Critters "Your doing it wrong rabbit" said mouse. "It's meant to just fit in the hole." "It's called a key hole, mouse" whispered weasel. "now if you two can stop arguing for 5 mins, we'll have the lock picked and be in and out of this shop with all we can eat." "look" said rabbit, "if we had done what I suggested we wouldn't need to rob the shop, squirrel said he had loads of money from that vending machine he steals from. " "Very true" whispers weasel, ( it may be worth noting weasel always whispers, he thinks it makes him sound like Clint Eastwood, and therefore a tough guy ). "But three furry critters walking into a human shop and squeaking at them, money or no isn't going to get us anything." 'CLICK' "we are in" said rabbit. "yesss" hissed mouse. Anyone watching would have seen a rabbit with a weasel balancing on its shoulders pushing a trolley and a mouse in a striped shirt balanced on the front giving directions, anyone watching would have blinked a couple of times and gone home to bed because clearly they are over worked and need rest cos they going slightly mad. Unlike the furry trio who where quite happy with there lot...for now.

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