Translate   12 years ago

Death Is Not The Only Option-part Something... I wrote this before I actually started writing death is not the only option, it's a little way into the story, like if I should continue! People say that when you die, everything ends. Your #life, your soul, your existence. But what they don't have the knowledge of, is that death is not the only option. There are many reasons why I chose the alternative option to death, well there are three. Number one, I wasn't ready to be at peace nor say goodbye to my family and friends. Number two, I thought it would be a good experience to live #life invisible, be nothing but a mere ghost living on the earth plane. Finally, number three, I don't want to feel what I really am, I don't want to feel dead. The weirdest part about dying is that nothing really changed. In reality you would expect a pretty big difference, but in this dream world nothing changed except how many friends I had, and the company I shared my time with. It felt weird at first, being away from my family and friends I mean, because usually my day consists of going out and spending a day with my friends, having a laugh, the usual teenager behaviour to have. Now, my day is boring, and dull. All I have to do is stand around waiting for others to get hurt. Badly. Sometimes it hurts me to watch, sometimes is doesn't.

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