Translate   12 years ago

Weird Popular As a 14 year old girl lots has happened in my #life and the #life's of the people around me. It's confusing being a teenager, no one really understands what I'm going through. I need help. Its confusing, I feel pray to temptation and I don't want to anymore. Its sad to think about kids now compared to what they use to be. That's kind of scary for a kid to say her self but it's true. Kids now are getting knocked up and don't care, having kids of their own and not knowing what to do with them or how to raise them. At least 4 girls aren't virgins in my grade. In the grade above me (the one I'm suppose to be in) there is almost 3 times the amount of that. I don't want to be those girls I just want to have fun but not dumb. Why cant others feel that way. Why do they all have to either be weird, stuck up, jocks, emo kids, preppy, or a freak. Why can't we just all be good and not care about clothing and crap like that. I'm suppose to be a popular kid , the stuck up kind that are jerks to everyone. But I'm not. I'm the nice one and truthfully I don't know if I even coincided my self to be popular. I consider my self one of the weird kids. Yes I like unicorns, playing kid games, and running around chasing each other. I'm not suppose to be a popular kid, I just got lucky. So here's to telling the story of the weird popular kid and the kids in her grade.

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