Death Is Not The Only Option- Chapter 2 I have always hated it when my alarm goes off in the morning. Wanting to constantly press the snooze button and no wake up, no matter what. What with everything that was happening in my #life, I'm sure I gained to right to just lay there and think about things other and school work and my future. Today there was no change, I just pressed the snooze button over and over until it no longer let me do so. I just wanted to lay in bed and keep myself hidden from the rest of the world, especially Mason, I knew I couldn't face him today, because I couldn't get the thought out of my head that perhaps one day he will not even know of me, and that he will be oblivious to my existence. I couldn't get the thought out of my head that one day he will be happy-without me, and the only way to do that is to not see him. "Gina honey get up your going to be late for school!" my mother called me from downstairs, obviously trying to sound caring about my education, when me and her both know that she doesn't. I didn't reply to her, knowing that after the first shout that she wouldn't try to persuade me. Mine and my mothers relationship was fragile, a simple thing could tear it apart.

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