<• Big Fish Small Pond •> The little fish swam in the small pond. He was bored of #life there, swimming round and round all day everyday. So today he decided to head up the stream, to see #life beyond the small pond. The stream became a river. He appreciated the freedom but he still wanted to push on. Soon he found himself on top of a waterfall. He did not want to go back. He couldn't. So the only way was forward over the edge. Helpless in the waters flow he tumbled over into the pool below. Onwards he must go. Soon the river became wider and wider until the little fish was in the sea. As far as the fish could see and beyond an infinite world of all kinds of wonder and peril. The little fish felt excited but then scared. He felt a long way from home. He missed his little pond, the safety of familiarity. He missed his family and friends. The little fish turned and swam back as fast as he could the way he had come. Against the current he headed back up the river. When he came to the waterfall he jumped up and up until he broke through to the top. He felt strong from all the swimming. He was content he knew what was out there in the world beyond. All his hard work had been worth it. As the little fish came up the stream to his little pond he felt happy. He could not wait to tell his friends of his adventure. His friends could not help notice how much he had grown. Now he was one of the big fish. The small pond provided him with everything he could ever wish for. A big fish in a small pond. And that was enough for him..
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Benjam Pennylover
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