Translate   12 years ago

Spring Time For Sir Mars One can take a lot of pleasure in cold alcohol and a warm spring day. I am. The news of a night of work perked my spirits up to a level I haven't reached for a little while and made me find new energy. Working nights mean the 2 hours between getting home from your day job to doing to the bar is filled with sleep, so you never really have time for yourself. It's me time now, time for Sir Mars to sit back and think about Sir Mars. Is that so wrong? Probably. But I don't care I'm getting drunk off Pinot in the sun. A wine drunk is different from a beer or vodka drunk, you get so violent, aggressive, horny, and generally unpleasant on those drinks. Wine drunk is like rich drunk, you're an idiot, but you're drinking wine, so you're a rich idiot with class. A loveable idiot.

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