Why Doesn't Anyone Do Anything? So I went to London last weekend and it was great. I got to see and do lots of things. One thing I aways seem to forget about the city, is how busy it always is. Looking out of the taxi window, I see people everywhere, where as in my small village, your lucky to see one person when you go out! Around where I live, even in the big towns, you don't see many homeless people. In London I noticed there was a lot of homeless people. You can pick them out easily from their trademark sleeping bags, rucksack, and hollowed expression. I couldn't believe how many people there were, just sat on the side of a road, or curled up against a tree. Most of them are huddled up against something, tucked away out of sight from the people who walk by. Those who are lucky enough to have a hot drink curl their fingers around the container, getting all the warmth from it. Some of them were only teenagers, my age, and I couldn't help but think that could be me, or anyone i know sat there. And what's worse, when people walk by or see them, they just look straight through them. To them, the homeless are objects in the way of their path, just not worth their time. How can people be okay with this? I'm sure I'm not the first person to ask this and I won't be the last. I always got told when I was younger that homeless people put themselves there and that any money given to them in charity would be used for alcohol or drugs and was basically a waste of money for the charity giver. I think it's obvious that isn't true, yet you rarely see anyone do anything about it or giving them money. Yes, there are homeless shelters and hostels where they can go, but aren't these just temporary solutions to a #life time problem? No one deserves to live like that, not knowing when they will get their next meal or if they will be safe at night. So I guess my question is, why doesn't anyone do anything?