Translate   12 years ago

Have Belief Colouring Books Are Better So today I move back home after 3 years of university. So many times I thought I would never make it to this point but here I am. I find myself overcome with so many emotions. Sadness of saying goodbye, fear of what to do next, excitment of what the future may hold and mostly a warm glow that I followed my dream, one that so many said I wouldn't manage and yet here I am, it worked out. I'm quickly learning having a little faith gets you a long way. With out that faith in ourselves and our dreams, our lives would be like a lined piece of paper, the same never particually interesting, going through the motions of working in a straight line. With belief #life is like a kids colouring book, sometimes we go outside the lines and we go wrong, but when it goes right its amazing. So overall I make a vow from here on out, to make sure my #life is always a colouring book, that if it goes wrong not to give up, to give the harder challenges a try and have belief that theres a plan for me somewhere. I just have to enjoy every minute.

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