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The Hell Out of Dodge, Part II The Hell Out f Dodge, Part II A/N: Let me know what you think! "Well, yes, that, and there is always the fact that I'd like to get to know you. You fascinate me. You seem so strong, but every now and again, you seem to falter. It's intriguing." "My weaknesses intrigue you?" she asked in a half-hearted tone. "Well, seeing as you've become one of mine, I'd like to know what some of yours are." "We'll have to wait until I trust you a little bit more, before I start spilling my guts." Bonnie commented, looking off into the horizon, "The sun is coming up. Do you think we should get going?" "I suppose." He whispered, standing and wiping the grass from his khakis. Kol quickly made his way towards the exit, but Bonnie put a hand out to stop him, "Wait," she called, "I'd like to try something." Kol stood over her, watching as she closed her eyes and held her hand out over the headstone. In an instant a veil of flowers lay in front of the grave, as if appearing out of midair. "Thank you." He whispered, the tone of his voice one of shocked disbelief. "Now everyone knows a loved one has been to see him." The term loved one clearly made Kol uncomfortable. It was clear he hadn't been 'loved' by anyone in centuries, "What do we do now?" Bonnie asked, once they were out of the cemetery and staring back and the huge metal gate. "Now, we leave and we don't look back." He whispered, grasping for her hand as they walked down the sidewalk once more to go hail a morning cab. They stopped later on that afternoon at a hole-in-the-wall diner called Happy Days. It was a typical burger joint with one single pool table, and a few bar stools and chairs, none of which matched each other. After ordering a burger for herself and for Kol, who had never been formally introduced to the idea of ordering at a counter, she stalked over to pool table with Kol tight on her heels, "I bet you've never seen this before." She chuckled, wracking. "I can't say I have." He said, looking absolutely befuddled. "It's easy just watch me. I'll go first." Bonnie broke, but suddenly felt embarrassment at her lack of skill. Not a single ball hit a pocket. Her ears grew bright red, which didn't go unnoticed by Kol, who burst out laughing at the redness of her features, "Here, you try." She laughed, shoving the stick into his grasp, "And pretty much do the exact opposite of what I just did." The game went on for only several moments. It was practically over before it started. As soon as Kol even took the stick from her hand, she knew she had lost. In the midst of the happy daze they were both in, they could barely focus in on the voice that said, "Fancy seeing you here, Brother." They both whirled, and there, standing in the doorway, in one of his typical prim-and-proper, suit-and-tie outfits, stood Elijah Smith-Michaelson, "What are you doing here?" Kol snarled. "I suppose I could ask you the same question. And fraternizing with a Bennett witch? I'm afraid I expected more from you, Kol." "Um- there was no fraternizing…"Bonnie started, but she was silenced by Kol, who took a step in front of her. "Why are you here?" Kol ordered, "Were you looking for me? Did Klaus send you to put another dagger in my heart? I know how fickle you can be. What did he offer you this time, because you know it worked out so well before." "Actually, as thrilling as that would be for everyone involved, I'm afraid I come searching for something much more self-serving." "Out with it, then." Kol barked. "I come seeking safety. As you well know, Esther is still out there somewhere, hell bent on killing us all, and Klaus has gone off on a little killing spree of his own. I heard from the blond that talks too much- Caroline, I believe is her name- that you had left with Bonnie. And naturally, I knew exactly where I would find you." Elijah emitted a very desperate feeling. He held it together on the outside, but Bonnie could tell something was very much amiss. "No, no way. The last time I tried to compromise with you, you put a dagger in my heart. You're Klaus's lap dog. And that is all you will ever be." "I can get you in contact with other witches- stronger witches." Elijah offered, sending a half-apologetic look in Bonnie's direction. She didn't need it though. She knew he was right. "See, but the problem is that I no longer trust you, Elijah." Kol scowled, "You a scheming liar. Why should I believe anything you say?" "Because I have the little blond menace out in my car waiting for you to join us." Elijah smirked. He knew that would catch Bonnie fancy. "You brought Caroline with you?" Bonnie asked in disbelief, "Why isn't she back in Mystic Falls? Did you compel her?" fury began to bubble up inside of her, and Kol held a hand to her forearm to keep her from charging forward. "Quite the opposite, actually. She came to the house last night, and practically rammed the door down, yelling some nonsense about the witch running off with my…@#$%…brother. Naturally, I became curious, so I knew I road trip was in order." Without a pause, Bonnie tore past both men and ran out into the parking lot, where Caroline stood outside of Elijah's car. She had the look of impatience on her face, just like always, and Bonnie flew down the parking lot to meet her friend in a tight embrace, "What are you doing here?" she asked in disbelief. "You really thought I was going to let you go out and see the world without me?" she chuckled, "I knew that none of us were going to make it out of that town alive, so I did what I saw was best." "You mean getting a car with one of the people who once spear-headed a plot to kill Elena?" Bonnie laughed heartily. "No, you were right, Bonnie. It doesn't have to be all Elena, all the time. This is me taking my #life into my own hands. I knew I couldn't abandon my best friend." "Caroline, you know we made a really big mistake ever getting involved in any of this." Bonnie laughed, shaking her head at the ridiculousness of the situation they had gotten themselves into. "Yeah, I know." She laughed along with Bonnie and they made their way back into the diner. "Speaking of involved," Bonnie stopped cold, a cheeky grin across her lips, "Looks like you've got your own @#$% Original now." "Oh, don't be so judgy." Caroline choked. She looked like a deer in headlights, which only made Bonnie cackle harder. "Any chance you're good at pool?" Bonnie asked hopelessly, "I kind of decided I would teach Kol and as it turns out, he's a fairly fast learner." Bonnie was determined to have some normality in her #life. If it was only for a fleeting second. She didn't want to talk about the murderous mother and the cold-blooded, younger brother. She just wanted to sit in the diner and play pool, pick up around six and keep on running. That was all she could see in her future from now on was running, so why not enjoy a little bit of freedom while she had it? Bonnie began walking through the familiar, old, musty mansion. She'd come here hundreds of times to try to seek the advice of her grandmother, and at times, even Emily Bennett. Of course, she had gone under the cover of night to avoid her father's watchful eye. Standardly known as the witch house between her and her friends, this is where she would come to connect to her ancestral line, where she would come to manifest her greater magical powers. There was something uneasy about the atmosphere though, as if she knew something horrible was about to happen. Nonetheless, she trekked on and began the ascent up the stairs to the second level of the house. One of the floorboards creaked underfoot and Bonnie felt an opposing hand on her shoulder. When she whirled around, she found herself face-to-face with the ever-imposing Klaus, "Hello, Love." he murmured, cocking his head to the side. His fangs were bared and his eyes were an unholy shade of red, glistening in the dark of the mansion. She knew what came next. He was going to suck her dry and leave her body for the rats to finish off. She took off sprinting up the stairs, desperate to find an escape. She was incredibly aware of the fact that every step she took felt as if she were wading through knee-deep mud. She could barely put one foot in front of the other. When Bonnie finally reached the top level of the house, crossing the threshold of the bedroom that had once been occupied by Emily Bennett, she slammed the door shut behind her and locked it for good measure. She fled to the far end of the room, finally release from the molasses that she had had to trek through in the stairwell. Her run was cut short when she tripped and fell headlong into a puddle of a sticky liquid. When she finally got bearings about her well enough to sit up, she gasped. She had landed in a puddle of blood. Bonnie let out a blood-curdling cry, as she jumped back to her feet, frantically trying to scrub the blood from her skin and hair with her fingernails. She stopped dead when she realized who the blood was coming from though. There, on the ground, we're the mutilated, tortured, and staked bodies of Elijah, Kol, Caroline, and Damon. In the farthest corner of the room, another body was limply hanging from the ceiling by the neck. Elena. She had the most grotesque look of anguish. To think she died in that kind of pain sent Bonnie over the edge. She fled back to the door that she had just locked and flung it open, praying she could summon enough power from her ancestors to ward off Klaus. Just long enough for her to get out of the house and safely to her car, "Fancy seeing you here." Klaus's voice called from behind. She couldn't bare to turn around. If she had, she would've lost what little composure she had left. She wasn't going to give him that satisfaction. She didn't have time to devise a plan before he grabbed a handful of her crimped, black hair, pulling her head to the side, exposing her neck. She knew what came next. She let out one final cry, as he sank his fangs into her neck and drained her of what little fight she had left. (•_•) (/•_•)/ Kol frantically tried to shake Bonnie out of whatever nightmare she had been having. She had woken him, as well as Caroline and Elijah, when the screaming had begun. Cries of absolute horror and anguish filled the entire motel room, and, he feared, the entire complex. "Bonnie, wake up!" he hissed, as Caroline attempted to come to his aid, "Wake up!" Without warning, she froze an her eyes shot open. Kol dropped to the floor, clutching his head, as Caroline jumped back several feet as well, "What in hell-" he gasped at the intense pain. With both Caroline and Kol out for the count, Elijah was left to deal with Bonnie. He knew what was happening to the two. She had shot them down with aneurysms. He jumped from bed and walked calmly to her side, "Bonnie," his soothing, monotone voice seemed to be doing the job. He carefully took her by the shoulders, and turned her to the side, causing her to avert eye contact, and therefore, demolishing her ability to manufacture aneurysms. "What- did I do?" she asked in horror, as she watched both Kol and Caroline attempt to regain their composure, "I-I'm sorry." she murmured, jumping to her feet to help right Caroline once more, "It was Klaus." Worried glances were taken by all four of them. They all knew that such vivid dreams couldn't be just coincidence. Someone had put that dream in place. It was a message from Klaus. They wouldn't be getting out of this so easily. "We've got to get out of here." Caroline murmured, jumping to her feet, preparing to leave at a mere second's notice. "Yes, go quickly," Elijah urged, nearly shoving Caroline out the door. Bonnie and Kol followed swiftly behind. "How did he find us so quickly?" Bonnie asked as she ducked into the backseat of Elijah's car. Kol quickly slid in beside her and was quick to answer the pressing question, "I reckon he has a witch of his own who managed to tap into your power. That's why you had the dre-" In a second, glass shattered and flew in all directions. Blood spattered across Bonnie's face, and Kol's body jolted to the floor. He'd been shot. Elijah and Caroline jumped from the car to face whatever was awaiting them outside. Bonnie could hear the beginning of a heated dispute, but she could barely pay attention to what anyone was saying or doing. She found herself frantically trying to find the extent of Kol's wound. She knew he would heal, but from what she could see through the thin stream of light her cell phone's backlight could give off, he had been shot directly through the forehead. She prayed that he would stay unconscious long enough for her to remove it. Of course it had to be wood. She knew the second he came to, he would be in excruciating pain. Bonnie tried to keep her wit as she swallowed the bile that collected in her throat at the very thought of what she was about to do, "What happened?" he asked, eyes fluttering open, coming out of his daze. Kol was coming back and Bonnie began to panic, "You were sh-" "Get it out!" he wailed, between gasping breaths. Oh yes, he was in excruciating pain. His face congealed into ten different levels of anguish. Eventually his strength began to run low and he stopped screaming. His cries, were simply reduced to whimpers, "It hurts," he whimpered, as she slicked his drenched bangs off of his sweating forehead. "Okay, okay, I'll do it." she whispered, mostly trying to reassure herself more than him. She sucked in a final breath before plunging two fingers into the now-healing wound, "I'm sorry." she muttered, as she felt him jolt and let out a pained hiss. Finally, she managed to wedge the tiny piece of wood from the wound and it healed over in a matter of moments after she did so. The only thing proving that it had even happened in the first place was the tiny smear of dried blood across Kol's forehead, "Thanks." he gasped and she couldn't help but let out of slight giggle at how utterly glib he sounded. She continued to brush his hair from his face, as his head rested in her lap. Not even a week ago, Bonnie was hellbent on killing Kol Michaelson, and now, she didn't even know what to think. "It wasn't Klaus." Elijah murmured, stepping back into the car, his hair slightly askew, and shirt slightly muddied, "He sent hybrids." "What's this?" Caroline asked, laying eyes on the scene that had just unfolded in the back seat. Kol and Bonnie's hands joined at Kol's chest. Bonnie still found it slightly odd that Caroline had just been stuck in battle with God-knows-how-many of Klaus's murderous hybrids and she was more concerned with the fact that Bonnie and Kol were holding hands in the back seat. Classic Caroline. "It's nothing." Bonnie murmured, allowing her attention to snap to the two that were taking to the front seat, "So now where do we go? Now that we know he can tap into my mind whenever he wants, what do we do?" "We keep going. If we keep ourselves one pace ahead of him at all times, then he'll never be able to find us." Elijah began, as he started the ignition and pulled out onto the dark, secluded street. "So as long as he has his witch, we have to run." Bonnie concluded. She had feared from the very beginning that this would be the case, but she just hadn't wanted to admit it. "Of course, there is another way, but I'm sure you wouldn't be too fond of it..." Elijah began. "Tell me. I'll do anything. Do we kill her?" Bonnie asked. "If we killed his witch, he'd just get a new one. That would work for a while, but -" "Gods, Elijah! Tell me! What can I do?" Bonnie bellowed. She knew he was holding out on her, but the next thing to come out of his mouth let her know- it was definitely for a good reason. "Witches can't track vampires." Bonnie sucked in a breath. She couldn't believe what Elijah was suggesting, "Just consider it, please." he murmured, not even bothering to take his eyes off the road. "No, I will not JUST consider it, Elijah! You are asking me to give up on my morals, and leave everything of myself behind, just so we can't be tracked. And then there still isn't a gauruntee that we will be home free, anyway!" She was fuming. "We're not saying that you have to make up your mind tonight," Caroline said, twisting around in the seat so that she could look her friend in the eye. It appeared evident that she had to be the voice of reason in this situation, "And obviously you don't have to do it at all. We're not going to force you. But you are MY best friend, Bonnie, and in order to stay my best friend, you have to still be alive. And alive is definitely not what you will be if another batch of Klaus's hybrids find us!" Caroline's voice was beginning to rise, and suddenly Bonnie realized how dark her friend's eyes had gotten. "Caroline," she gasped, "When was the last time you...hunted?" she asked, seeing the veins appear around her eyes. "What? Oh!" she whirrled around in her seat, as to not frighten Bonnie with her current state, veins bulging out of her flesh; eyes as dark as night, "Sorry." she muttered, trying to snap herself out of it. "You didn't answer my question." Bonnie pressed, "How long has it been?" "Like a week and a couple days. It's fine; really! Stefan has gone for longer." "You aren't Stefan, Caroline. You're newer. You have to feed more! It's okay. I see a barn through the trees. Barns mean livestock, which means we can stop so you can feed. It might be a long time before you get the opportunity again." Bonnie never thought that she would be the one to have to be supportive of Caroline's feeding habits. After all, the one thing she hated more than what vampires were, was what vampires had to do to stay alive. "We'll convene back at the car in twenty minutes." Bonnie said, as everyone exited the car. "Where do you think you're going, Love?" Kol asked, as Bonnie stepped out as well, and began to follow behind him. "Well, I trust that Elijah and Caroline will keep to the animals, but I don't trust you. In fact, I'm fairly certain that if I wasn't following you, you would be feeding on a jogger by now." Bonnie quipped, feeling pretty proud of her self for mouthing off at an Original Vampire. "Fair enough. I must tell you though. I've never been too fond of animal blood. It's bitter, whereas human blood is sweet. But above all others, a witch's blood is far superior." his off-handed comment made Bonnie want to hurl. Was this the plan? Was he going to drain her while Elijah and Caroline were to preoccupied to do anything? "Still, I suppose this will have to do given the current situation." he poised himself to dive at a particular cow that had its head down, feeding on the harsh grasses, when Bonnie put held a hand to his forearm. "Wait. Please." she put her arm out in front of herself and began murmuring what Kol knew to be Latin. It took no more than ten seconds for the sorry animal to close its eyes and fall to the ground in a snoring heap, "There, it's unconscious now. Just do it fast please." Kol nodded and walked off in the direction of the invalid animal that didn't so much as budge while he drained the #life from it. He care to wipe the remnants from his lips but didn't bother disposing of the carcas before he returned to Bonnie's side, "Why do you care so much?" Kol asked and when she looked up to gauge his expression, he seemed genuinely befuddled. "Excuse me?" "Why do you have such regard for #life?" When Bonnie didn't think to answer straight away, Kol continued, "What you don't realize is that you are better than humans, Bonnie! All of them! You were born better! You are a witch! If you wanted to, you could have the entire bloody secret service here to protect you from Klaus's hybrids, but instead you've joined up with this motly crew. Why? I know your powers are eating away at you, Bonnie. Why don't you just use them? You have a GIFT, that so many people dream of having and you what? Use it to make cows go to sleep? It's sad. And pathetic." Bonnie's face began turning different shades of red. She wanted nothing more than to punch him as hard as she could, but she knew that would only end in her writhing in agony, possibly with a broken hand. She pulled him nearer to the side of the barn, so that she could be as good as certain that Elijah and Caroline wouldn't be able to hear them, "Because, Kol," she whispered his name pointedly, "If I give in to my powers, I lose control." "Where's the secrecy in that?" he asked, an impish grin on his face, "We all give in to our temptation sometimes." "No, you don't understand," she held out a hand against his chest for emphasis, but quickly drew it away at the cold feel of his covered skin, "The last time I gave in, I nearly killed Klaus. That is how strong these powers are! I can kill Originals!" "Well, then, Love," Kol murmured, encircling her waist with his arms, making her breath hitch, as he pulled her flush against himself, "I guess it's a good thing I have you on my side, then." His impish grin had fallen into a lazy smile. "Yeah, I guess," she muttered, entirely conscious of the mere inches between them. It felt as if Bonnie's brain was going on overdrive as Kol's lips crashed down on her. To say that sparks were flying would be an understatement. Bonnie felt her back slam against the harsh play wood that made up the barn's siding as her arms encircled his neck. She was barely even conscious of the fact that what they were doing was just so wrong. She just strange that she felt so utterly comfortable in this situation. She gasped as she felt a pin-@#$% in her bottom and her eyes shot open. Realizing what he did, Kol backed away in a second, wiping her blood from his lips, "I'm sorry." he murmured, trying to come closer. He didn't know what for. He settled for taking her hand. "Don't touch me!" she wailed, backing away, Moving along the side of the barn at a break-neck pace. Through his continuing strand of 'I'm sorry's, something caught in her mind and she froze, whirling back around to face him, "You compelled me?" she went pale as shock set in, "You compelled me!" she shrieked. She wasn't sure why she'd expected more out of him, but she had. "What? I didn't compel you! Trust me; if I were to compel you it would be for more than just a bloody kiss!" "You're a monster," she yelped, and the next sound either of them made, was the blood-curdling scream emanating from Kol's throat, thanks to the aneurism Bonnie had bewitched him with. Just then a light flicked on in the house and Elijah and Caroline came running around the side of the barn, "What the hell is going on out there?" a man in overalls and a straw hat, wielding a gun, called out into the black of the morning. If only he had seen the freak show that had been taking place in his back yard. "What the hell, Bonnie!" Caroline whispered, as she enveloped her friend's waist and yanked her to the ground, forcing her to break concentration, "He didn't compel you. You still have vervain in your system, Bonnie. You can't be compelled. Here," she bit into her wrist and offered the blood up to Bonnie, "It'll heal that bite." "Please, let me go." Bonnie muttered in a tone of monotony, "Can we please just leave?" "But, the blood-" "I don't want your blood, Caroline!" Bonnie snapped, "Once I drink that, if I die, I become like you." Caroline felt a sting at the sound of Bonnie's words, "It'll heal on its own. Can we please just leave before the Jolly Green Giant over there decides to have a field day with his gun?" The four walked in silence back to the car. Knowing that Bonnie wouldn't want to be stuck in the back with Kol for the next two hundred miles, Caroline traded him seats and took her place in the back and waited for the boys to be situated in the front. Away they went in absolute silence. -End Part Two-

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