Tradurre   13 anni fa

paper plane you make me feel like a paper plane. when you are sweet to me, i float easily, sailing breezily through the air above everyone else and fluttering up through white fluffy candyfloss clouds into the soft white castles of heaven.. but when you are not kind to me, you rain on me. crumple up my wings like an enraged toddler with a dissatisfactory toy, rendering me soggy and crumpled and useless, a limp ball of paper on the muddy fun to play with, broken and unable to fly... but soon you will pick me up again with soft murmurs of "im sorry" and gentle kisses, shaking out my tattered wings and smoothing the water out of me, and sending me up soaring into the air again, not quite as flawlessly and effortlessly as the first time, but faithfully and naively until the next time i fall, nonetheless <3

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