Synergy: Enhancing UNITY, Molding LEADERS, Achieving EXCELLENCE Day 1 That was the theme for this year's Science LTPS. Though a lot have happened, it is in general fun and I learned so much from this experience most especially from the seminars and the activities. Though it's a different one compared to the past LTPS (since the council arranged it, not the AC. In reality, I had no expectations or whatsoever before heading to this LTPS. I just remembered what happened last school year, wherein it was definitely fun, meeting new people, your soon workmates. But this one is yes, different like wht I mentioned before since competition is very evident. Formation of teams from all of the participants were formed from the very first day of the LTPS. There were actually four teams: Pink, Blue, Purple, Yellow, Red and Green. I was on the Yellow team and we had 3 facilitators, namely Wesley, Keith and Czari. I have known Czari personally before since she has been part of last year's LTPS too. From my group, I only knew Vince Rondolo personally, so at first I had a hard time well memorizing the names of my group, haha! The first thing that was done was actually the presentation of the Calendar of Activities for the next academic school year. Our first activity as a group was the formation of a group name, group shoutout and a group flag. For my team, We named ourselves as the Thunder Rangers, and our shoutout as "Let's Volt In!" we also made a cheer since we finished ahead of time, we were chanting the Voltes V song as we enter. Hahaha. The presentation of CoAs was done after but now presented by the different departments of the college of Science. Open forum followed. At the end of the day, we left UST at around 530 and headed to Forest Club Eco Park. We had a long travel, running for about 3 hours. As we arrived, dinner was already served. We had a good dinner and rooms were assigned to each team. Yellow Team was assigned at the Kamagong house in which we ate sharing with the Blue team. At this point, we then made alliance with them. There was actually a talk right after moving our things at out houses. The talk was all about "Enhancing Unity" lead by Ma'am Chat. I actually learned on how to ask for a request properly, just follow the seps : ONFR or Objective, and request. We almost slept at around 1am just to take a bath and rest. need, Need.

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