Translate   12 years ago

Letting Go Crashing over me, under me, all Around, the water Foamy white anger, choking, Hurting. I'm struggling against the onslaught Of wild, angry words, Pulling me down to the murky depths of #depression, hatred, Self loathing as I fail to Pull myself up to fight These wild waters that toss me around. Me. The insignificant creature. Desperate to escape. So insignificant that it wouldn't matter If I just... ...let go... ...Let the waves of people drag me down, And allow it to engulf me, The panic and desperation of holding on, Long swum away. Floating like driftwood along the surf, Not fighting but instead Letting it carry me gently, As I forget the pain, suffering, panic, That the waves caused. Staring up at the cloudless sky, With #lifeless, glassy eyes.

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