Translate   12 years ago

Why Learn To Play Music Lessons : Why Learn To Play Music? In my book, music is a phenomenon and a gift to the human race. Music is one of only two universal languages that everyone should be able to speak at some level. Music is the soundtrack to our lives. Take a moment to think of any special event in your #life - a birthday party, a first date, sporting event, your first dance as a couple, a #life celebration or ceremony. I am pretty certain music was there with you sharing in and being part of the whole thing. Music is a faithful friend when #life is handing out the ups and downs we all get to experience from time to time. Music is always there. It is a constant that never abandons you, always present and ready to dance with your soul whenever you need it. Music will lift you, comfort you, give you strength, offer you hope and help your heart speak in ways that mere words simply can’t. Music is a universal language that bridges language barriers and promotes understanding, tolerance and peace among the human race. Music brings people from all cultures and creeds together, helps them remember who they really are and helps them experience the joy of being alive. Music is a force for good. Everything that music can do for you is multiplied a gazillion times over when music - your music - moves someone else, makes them smile, makes them dance, laugh or let go of whatever may be troubling them in that moment. Music is a journey of self discovery and an authentic expression that reveals to others who you truly are. Music helps you grow in confidence and draws you out of yourself - for you are more than you really think you are. Music teaches you craft and discipline, essential traits whatever you do in #life. Music is #life. Learning to play an instrument and do all these things with music allows us - you and me - to experience these wonderful states of being human. So, how soon do you want to learn?

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