Translate   12 years ago

Berzerker's Rage One day a child born, in a small village of the kingdom... The kid was named Fenion, Fenion loved swords and always told to his mother that he wanted to be a warrior... One day when he was 20 years old a Orc kingdom came up from nowhere and main kingdom doesn't care about that small village and let orcs destroyed it, Fenion watched his fathers die, his friends and his childhood place... Few years later was time to avenge the kingdom! He stoled a magical broadsword, a elite warrior armor and ran directly to castle, killing everyone that interposed his path to revenge! He summoned flames from his sword and killed guards, then burned everyone in his path to the king... He destroyed the door and screamed: -Time to pay little king! The king, very scared say: -You was not killed by the orcs? Fenion heard a voice from far away.. Don't be like him... He started to cry and 2 guards catch him..,

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