Traducciones   13 años

Dear Mother Dear mother, I have a #life. I have my own problems,pains and thoughts. My world is not about you even though it should be. I don't live to serve you I am not a servant or slave I am your daughter. You don't understand me or want to understand me. You have expect perfection which I can't give and you yell if I am not. I haven't heard you speak kindly and softly to me in years. You don't act like a mother but a tyrant. I try to love you because I should but whenever you speak to me in that loud hard voice of yours it wells anger up me. My #life is no longer about you and your countless rules but me and those I hold close. Every time I tell you how I feel you ignore me. I am 13 and should not have to pull away from my mother but I am and I will.

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