Translate   12 years ago

The Prisoner Two of the guards tug open the door, and the third shoves me in. I hit the concrete floor hard, jarring my knee. I look back just in time to see a guard's overlong digits disappear from the doorway, and then the door shuts abruptly. I hear bolts slide across, locking me in. I throw myself at the door, yelling, screaming. 'You can do that forever, kid, and no one's gonna open the bloody door.' I turn around quickly. A man is hunched in the corner of the cell. Filthy blond hair obscures his bright blue eyes. His face is coated with stubble, and he's wearing ragged grey overalls. 'Wh-who are you?' I ask, my voice clearly portraying fear. 'That, my friend,' the man says, rising to his feet, 'Is a very good question. Here's another: what is a healthy young man like yourself doing in my cell?' 'Got captured, didn't I?' My fear is evaporating now, tuning into anger. The prisoner sighs. 'So what happened?' 'None of your business.' He snaps something back, but I don't listen. I vaguely hear him shouting, and then all the wind is knocked out of me. Before I have time to react, the man shoves me up against the wall and bellows: 'TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED! WHAT'S HAPPENED TO THE RESISTANCE?' I yell 'Alright, alright!' and tell him. Tell him how a hundred drones, with their hideous faces and six-inch claws ambushed me and my friends in the Resistance, a group of human freedom fighters.. We were outnumbered five to one, but we fought bravely back, slaying many of them. But at the end of the day, only me and five other of the Resistance survived to be taken prisoner. The older man seems shocked by my words. Shut up in his cell for so long, he's lost track of how feeble the Resistance had grown. To him, it must have always been his one hope: that they wold triumph, and he would be freed. At last he says: 'That's it, then. The fight for humanity is lost...' If this gets 3 likes I will write a part 2! Thanks for reading!

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