Translate   12 years ago

Until It's All Over "Carli, it's going to be okay," Elijah sobbed, as he ran his fingers through her thick blond hair, caressing her neck and shoulders as she lay across his lap, "It's okay. You're going to be alright." "Its so cold." she murmured, her head bobbing to the side. Her sight drifting in and out of focus, "I can't feel my legs." she sobbed in horror, "I can't move my legs." "I know, it's okay. The ambulance is on its way." But he knew I'm his heart that the ambulance would never get there in time. Carli was fading far too fast, "Come here." he muttered, removing his heavy, corduroy jacket and putting it around her bare shoulders, "Better?" "Better." she murmured, settling into his lap, allowing him to run his fingers through her hair once more, "I can't feel anything anymore, Elijah." she whispered, "That's a bad sign, isn't it?" Just then, the unimaginable happened. Off in the distance, they heard the explosive blast and saw the blast of fire. Inside himself, Elijah knew what that meant. No one was coming for them. There had been an explosion. A compression bomb had been set up underneath Carli's seat. There was nothing either of them could do to stop it as the car went up in a cloud of smoke. Amazingly and unfortunately, they had both been left alive. Carli was in searing pain and Elijah had no choice but to watch her suffer. He knew what was happening; a terrorist attack. Within the next several minutes, there were a few more explosions. The city was going insane with people fleeing from buildings and running in the streets. Elijah knew there was just no way he was going to be able to get Carli to the hospital. He simply shook his head and dragged her toward the nearest alleyway where he collapsed, setting her in his lap once again, "What do we do now?" Carli asked, clearly confused and disoriented. "I'll tell you what we're going to do," he summoned up all the strength he had left as he looked down on his partner, "We're going to stay here," he whispered, "and I am going to hold you until this is over." Elijah held her against his chest and cried into her hair, kissing the top of her head dejectedly, "I'm not letting you go until this is all over. It's all going to be okay, Carli." In that split second, her breath slowed and he could've swore he saw a hint of a smile ghost across her features. Just like that, the woman who had been Elijah's partner in crime-fighting for nearly three years was gone. And he held her until it was over.

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