Translate   12 years ago

A Captured Treat "I can't believe he's so beautiful!" muttered emily, the girl who had discovered a gorgeous palomino pony wandering in the gloomy, mysterious forest on the west coast of north America. Her mother agreed with how stunning nimrod was but despite of all that she wasn't sure how cool and calm he might just be. "he is beautiful and all but he's a bit boisterous and temperamental, I have a feeling that he's a little cheeky too! Maybe we could research his backround on the Internet" exclaimed Emily's mum. "I agree! We should just keep working on nimrod, he looks like something really special" answered emily. As soon as nimrod was groomed, fed, watered and moved into his stable safely and soundly, emily and her mum got straight onto the computer and researched nimrods #life. They found out a few tips on how to look after a mischievous pony and the difficulties that could occur. After a while they found out that Nimrod was a very talented and intelligent circus pony who as a result retired as his owner immigrated to another country on another travel circus. This news was all very fascinating and helpful in every way. "let's go and take a look at nimrod and see how he's doing" urged emilys mum. "mum! Come quick!" "what's happened?" "nimrods gone!" "well, I have phoned the animal control centre and they are doing all that they can. Don't worry Emily, he'll be back, just you see." "mum, I'm so worried about him, where ever could he be!?!? I bolted the stable door, I know I did, I'm puzzled with how he got out!" sobbed Emily.

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