Birds Of A Feather continued Flo reached the clearing and stumbled over. She lay under a tall oak tree, breathing heavily. The birds sang in the trees happily. Propping herself up against the tree, she sighed. A loud swooping noise came from above. A hawk circled the tree where she sat. It was staring at her until it landed behind a tree opposite her. There was flash and Felix appeared from behind the tree. Flo stared in confusion. "That hawk wasn't Felix. Was it?" she thought. She shook her head of the stupid thought. He walked over to her and kneeled down. Flo hadn't realised that most of the day had passed by since she ran away from the wedding. It had become dark and the sun was just setting over the hills. She scrambled backwards into the tree as he got closer. "It's me Felix!" he said worriedly. "I know!" she said sternly "Just leave me alone!" Felix was taken aback by her reply. "You need to go back." he explained. Flo shook her head. "Fine." smiled Felix and he sat next to her. "What are you doing?" she asked. "You can't stay out here alone." said Felix "I'm protecting you." She smiled. He lay and down and she lay next to him. There was a long silence as she looked up into the night sky. She slid the dagger from her stocking and held it close to her side incase they were attacked by anything. She began to tear through the dress as she hated it that much and Felix must have heard it because he stole the dagger from her. "So this is what you hide in your stocking." he laughed. "Give that back!" Flo blushed. He held the dagger high in the air, teasing her. "Give it back, please." she gave him puppy-dog eyes but he stood up and ran round the clearing. It made her forget about what had happened. She chased him through the trees, her hair streaming back in the wind. He hid behind a tree. She smirked and looked round but he was gone. Suddenly something took her by the waist. It pulled her down to the ground. "Gotcha!" she turned round to see Felix with a large grin on his face. "What are you smiling like a cheshire cat for?" she asked. "Because.." he laughed. "Because....?" she prompted. "I-... don't know." his face turned red. "Oh really?" her hand met his hand and his face went even more red. She stole the dagger from him and sat up, ripping the rest of the bottom of the dress. Now it only hung down to her knees. Once again she began to shiver and she wrapped the pieces of material from the dress around her shoulders. Felix laughed and put his arms around her. For a moment she couldn't believe it and all of the things that had happened flooded back into her mind. She buried her face in his chest and began to cry again. She's cried so much it's a wonder she had any tears left. He twirled her hair round his fingers and she looked up at him. His eyes were sympathetic, which made her half smile. She rested her head on his chest again but didn't cry. "I have a question." she began. Felix looked down at her "What is it?" he said. "Were you that hawk that hit off my balcony door and that flew behind the tree and then you appeared?" He sat in silence, looking worried. "I don't know what you're talking about." She gave him a look showing that she wasn't buying his excuse. "Fine." he rolled his eyes "Yes that was me." "So your a hawk?" "An avarian person." "Which is?" "A person that can turn into a bird." "Okay, birdbrain." "Don't call me that!" "I was only joking." He sighed but then they both giggled. "It must be fun being a bird.." Flo started "You can just fly away." Felix stared at her. He leaned in towards her and her heart began to beat loudly. Closing his eyes, he took her hand and...

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