перевести   13 лет назад

A man was walking down the street, he had a white t-shirt with a jacket over it and jeans with black shoes. The man was saying, "I can't afford anything my money's gone, I'm fired from my job". Then a man with a white tuxedo and a white top hat is running down the street away from a robber with a gun. The robber shot a car passing by, the car screeched and crashed into the man with the tuxedo and knocked him to the floor. Then the man with the jacket sneaked over to the robber and knocked him out. The man with the tuxedo said, " You saved my #life! Have a reward" then he took out a bag with a £1,000,000,000 in it. The man with the jacket took the money and said, "Thanks". He bought a mansion and an iPad and on his iPad he download an app called Opuss and wrote a story. It starts like this, "A man was walking down the street...."

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