Translate   12 years ago

Odde To The Amish I was doing a bit of research on Amish country and the difference in culture is unreal! In Amish country they can have unprotected sex and if the woman falls pregnant then that's fine! The amish only have jobs in their own community, they are not supported by the government but if the woman becomes pregnant then thats ok because they live of the land and they can support any new arrivals. But HERE!...if we choose to have unprotected sex without having a job then we run the risk of appearing on the Jeremy Kyle show being reminded to "put something on the end of it". We need to put a stop to this! Condoms should be compulsory for anyone without a job. It would be for their own good, to save them from having to appear on degrading shows such as his. And fact of the day - its mainly the unemployed who watch the Jeremy Kyle show

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