Evil People I have been talking to a girl who I thought was really nice for a couple of days now but today I discovered her secret. She is a fake biatch who really enjoy to treat people badly. I found her blog and some things from that blog was true to what she has told me but also some things are totally untrue. I'm glad I found out before I really got into her even more. I regret much of My time talking with her and listening to her lies. She got big issues but from now on if she want to play that kind of game with me then so be it. I will play the game with no rules and see how this will go from here on. I think she will get her feelings hurt but I will try to see if she wants to hurt my feelings first. She is so stupid to make people believe in her lies and she said she got a poker face when lying. I've got no respect for these kind of people. It's game on now. Every lie she puts in my phone and ear will be piled up until I can't take it anymore. I will revenge with the same kind of style because she deserve it.