Hate It When You Love Me I hate it when u love me It's the worst bit of it all If you're doing your worst Like punching the wall Shouting in my face Making me feel shit At least I understand this But you playing nice? Not one bit You confuse me with the mood swings Happening every hour every day It makes me feel I must be to blame Everything's great I'm told to say Yet though they see the loved up man The great guy who married me They do not see the psychopath The guy who bullies me So what is it I'm supposed todo When sleeping is no longer safe For fear of waking up with your dick in my ass And I feel like a 4yr old orphaned waif Where I can't cry or scream Or say stop stop stop Cos if I did what would happen then You'd make sure you topped me up You can seem quiet and shy Insecure and alone But if I could just show them the other I live with My true situation would be known So now here I am All down and quite sad For leaving him, whenever I have the courage And no fear, I'll be very glad It's easier said than done tho u know I feel a coward and that much is true As if I left him I'd be only on my own In my #life forever blue Domestic abuse crept up on me From words and bits and a break But 4yrs on it is now as it is Where I wake up to a sadistic rape You see my dilemma You know it goes on So don't be a me Leave him before it carrys on
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