Translate   12 years ago

The Love We Once Knew The small faint aroma of the lavender dew. The crisp cold breeze on the face I once knew. Stiffly pursed lips that belong to the earth. Padlock emotions for all that they're worth. Icicles melt, dripping drops of pure infatuation. But those drops are visions of our loves evaporation. The leaves turn green with that the winds of change. And a look into your heart with feelings so strange. A #life without you, leaves my heart torn and bare. But to remain with you when our love is all but there? The long quest for love, to not be on your own. But to feel lonely with someone is worse than being alone. The deep blue in your eyes where love did once fill Replaced by black daggers dressed for the kill From this point on I seek more from #life than pain and loathing So goodbye to you, your chapter in my #life is closing.

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