Evolution Have you ever wondered what evolution really is? Is it just me thinking that we are slowing our evolution rate? Do you think the microwave is an evolution or Are those a form of evolution? Maybe... In development evolution is a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage); "the development of his ideas took many years"; "the evolution of Greek civilization"; "the slow development of her skill as a writer and in biology: is the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms. The way I see it is that even though big breakthroughs are a form of evolution, they are all charted territory. We use already known knowledge to evolve our technology but not ourselves. These are a materialistic form of evolution that frankly i think slows down our personal. Yes I talk about biological evolution although I believe we do have the optimum body shape for this planet. We dont need another leg or eye or claws. What we need is mind power, the power to think clearly, logical,without the much influence from emotions. Mind you I am not ruling out emotions. Emotions importance is great and they give a meaning to #life. I am talking rather the willing- control of them when we see that a situation needs mature thought. There are people that can in some degree do this already but they are not many. All this technical evolution zombinized us; must have mc Donalds,must see Hollywood movie must watch takkous.must pay tip must, must, must! We never stop to think we just act. We are turning into machines. It suits Governments of course to have sheep to rule instead of thinking human beings. Most of us are or the least act, brainwashed. All these demonstrations by the few are the exceptions that prove the rule. Did you know that the fact that we use just a small percentage of our brain is a myth? It is not a fact as others would like you to think so as every part of the brain has a known function!. Pharmaceutical companies and other advertisements gain daily huge amounts of money by using the "Use you rest 90 percent motto" . One the other hand the Mind and the Brain is two completely different things. The brain consists mostly by neuro-chemical processes and the result of those processes is thought. In other terms "thinking harnesses the capacity of our brain, which evolved over 2 million years; it is the medium that evolved, not thinking as such; Thinking is brain dependent in order to express itself, in order to establish communicative powers, reasoning powers and so on. Thinking is necessary for our survival as a species, for the individual being to be able to live". Aristotle said: "thinking is the form that individuates matter, and thus produces the individuality, be it that of the body, the mind or the soul." This answers the question how is individuality in our mind explained, though our brains are basically the same? Or how is it possible, that a material body can produce an immaterial consciousness? Philosophers since ever clearly separated the mind from our body or the material world. We cannot simply reject their thoughts as dualism. Why shouldn't there be a dualism of some sort. It is only in our century that thinkers came to be skeptical of dualism by accepting only one substance, matter. This is exactly the fact/reason that keeps us at bay, stops us from truly evolving. Do you know the abstract opposite of evolution? Extinction! Harsh huh? Well yes it seems to me that we are heading that way and one of the reasons is this. What is worse? We know what we must do and do nothing about it. EVOLVE people EVOLVE! The need has raised listen to it!

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