jenny dearest <3 jenny i love you. i love you so much and i want to fall more in love with you every day and i want to spend every day with you and grow old with you, i want to live with you in a caravan by the sea and watch crow's feet and smile lines appear around the edges of your kind grey eyes. i want to watch your tummy swell with a child inside it under your flannel shirts, i want to be there to make your tea when you come home from work, i want to hold you tight in bed every night for the rest of our lives, i want to lie in a field with you and watch the stars. i want to wake up late with you on a lazy saturday morning after a friday night out and watch spongebob squarepants and smoke a blunt or two. i want to hold your beautiful hair back when you puke, i want to wrap you round my shoulders and carry you home when your so bloody drunk that you cant even walk. i want to take you to the cinema and then out for chips with vinegar and brown sauce afterwards. i want to lie on the ground with you and feel the rain on our faces. i want to lie in your lap and have you play with my hair. i want to be your wife and i want you to be mine forever and ever... #life is too short, a #lifetime not long enough for me to be with you i want to live forever just so i can be with you for an eternity <3
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