Forever We lay side by side in the long lush grass, our fingers entwined. "Ivy?" "Yes baby?" "I...I...I...Never mind..." "What is it, Edward?" "I...Oh look, our friends are here!" At that point, Bruce, Selina, Harley, and J walked up the hill, carrying the picnic basket. "Ooh, look at the lovebirds!" teased Harley. She sat down and began picking grass. Every time she picked one it felt like a little part of me was ripped off. "Stop that!" I snapped. "Uh, sorry?" "Yeah, sorry it's just...nothing." We ate, and the guys left. "uh Ivy?" "yeah?" "I love you." "I love you too you ninny!" "I know but I want to be with you... Forever?" "Forever..."we agreed.

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