Translate   12 years ago

Libby And The Alien There once was a girl called Libby who lived in the woods and was best friends with a bear!! One day that bear died and Libby was devastated and was very lonely.. Then all of a sudden an awful storm came, and Libby ran into an old dusty hut that she had never seen before. She closed the door and sat down in a corner where she found some cobwebs and crumbs. The next morning the storm was over so Libby went outside and saw something that looked like a UFO. She picked it up and shook it. Then an awful moan roared out of the crazy contraption and out popped an alien!!! Libby screamed and dropped the contraption. The alien tidied himself up and went to shake Libby's hand and said "hello I'm Trevor what's your name?" Libby's mouth dropped open. "W-w-what are you and why are you here?" "I'm an diffret from the planet frest" replied Trevor. When Trevor and Libby properly introduced each other Libby took Trevor to the little hut but it wasn't there!!! Libby gasped. "Where did it go? It was here a moment ago." asked Libby. "Oh I put that there when I heard the storm and wanted a place to stay because my UFO had crashed and broken. But I see that you beat me to it. So I decided to sleep in my UFO!" After two weeks of wandering the forest the pair of friends had an argument about leaving the forest and sadly Trevor left. (in those two weeks Trevor fixed his UFO.) After a few days of being alone Libby regretted the argument and wanted Trevor back. The next day he came back. Libby was over the moon. They were together again. So they both decided to go into the town. It was weird for Libby and scary for Trevor. They met a women called trina and she took them in. When Libby was 27 she bought a house and moved in with Trevor. But one day a huge twister hit and Trevor went missing and trina got killed. Libby found trevors hand and burst into tears. Then out of nowhere Trevor appeared. Libby hugged him so tight that his eyes popped out but he pushed them back in!!! Libby and trevor ran away from timper town and went to trevors old home frest. But when they got back all trevors family were gone, so Trevor and Libby made another group of aliens by combining different types of goo they found. They all lived in the old abandoned town and made one big happy family. More and more aliens started to return because of all the happiness of the aliens and it became on big happy environment. Trevor's parents came back and they built more and more huts for all the aliens!! Libby got lonely again so she decided to go home to find all of her town fixed. But she regretted leaving Trevor behind so they decided to contact each other every day and became great friends. The end.

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