That was not funny not a funny story, I was about to go to the loo before entering the cinema yesterday which at first I thought was a normal washroom....but then when I opened the door, there was a guy standing there doing his private business...for 2 seconds I was shocked and the next 2 second I started to realize that it was not a normal was a one toilet room shared between guys and ladies with one sink, a bowl and only one door...luckily I didn't saw his junk coz that'll be the most awkward/weird moment in my #life....but why the hell he didn't lock the freakin door...was that supposed to be a tradition where you don't have to lock the door assuming everyone to have psychic powers so that you could yell "oh wait! I'm kinda busy here"...seriously!?!? ok it was a total weird moment for both of us I guess. I apologised to him and he was idiotically shy walking away to not say anything...yeah that was quite unexpected to happen before I watched the avengers for the second time with my sis...but it was on 3D. Quite blown away by the effects but not the story. I didn't laugh that much on the jokes they've made in the film. ok later
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