I live amongst the groaning, wheezing plague of rolling tyres and Friday vomit Splattered upon the pavement and dried in dyed hair and decorating Primark heels I live amongst the glowing, breeding plague of neon signs and fast food adorned bus stops A heart attack disguised as a family feast and I'm hungry I live amongst the growing, bleeding plague of macho guys and busted knuckles and bloody noses and broken bones and cold cells rented for a sleep of recovery and a morning of shame I live amongst the moaning, beating plague of a night of passion in the arms of no one Two vacant souls clutched in a tango of mutual gain and a fleeting glimpse of love I live amongst the lonely, sleeping plague of unused libraries, decrepit bookshops, rotten tomes of poetry, off key music, closed minds and forgotten thoughts of benevolence I live amongst a plague which has gripped the very fabric of my heart But I beat my own rhythm and dance
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Richard Withey
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