Translate   12 years ago

I walked strait dawn the old, cold chocolate coloured wooden stairs, hearing my slippers tapping loudly as I walked. I reached the red and green patterned carpet which ran all the way along the hall, to the long panelled wooden front door, and to the end off the old stone grave witch lies at the very end of the long wood hallway. I walked throw to another hallway, only small leading to two small wooden doors on each side of the the hall. I looked and wondered, I chose to open the first door I in counted, witch was the door on the left. I opened it not even knowing what lies inside. I then turned the round shiny glass door handle, it was quite hard to open as I turned it left and right, only then I realised that you don't turn it left and right and it open. You just give to push then it slowly creaks open, I had just noticed what I had done, I bet they both think I'm a

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