Translate   12 years ago

Heartbreak Heartbreak is like an ocean, it's immense, endless and utterly terrifying when first faced with it. That first wave hits and it's as if the world around you is being swallowed whole. Wave after wave batters and bruises until you're gasping for breath. The pain is unbearable, your lungs feel like they're shredding inside your chest and you begin to question whether you'll survive this. Then after what seems an age, the waves calm to a quiet lull and tranquil stillness surrounds you. It still hurts, the pain throbbing dully under the surface but now instead of floundering against the onslaught, you're swimming with the current. Alas the calm does not last and a sudden wave hits, a touch of a hand, the threading of his fingers through yours accompanied with drunken, heartfelt apologies spilling from his lips sends you spinning back into turmoil. The waves roll in, harsher than ever, cutting into your skin like shards of broken glass. It's a thousand times worse than before, the urge to go limp and let the waves consume you is overwhelming. This time, however there are more reasons for you to fight, for you to keep swimming and navigate your way to dry land; the beautiful girl who has his heart now and the boy who likes you but you don't know how you feel about yet. They deserve every ounce of fight that you have buried deep down inside you. Yet no matter how strong your resolve, the pain lashes against you, crumbling it to dust for you know that you can't let go of it. The pain will always pull you back in as it is your only connection to him and the feelings he once held for you. You are firmly ensconsed in your whirlpool of emotion and you have a choice to make; flight or flight, sink or swim, now or never. Pick a cliche off the back of a matchbox and that's what you have to do. It's excruciating and unfair but #life goes on, the pieces still sting and the waves keep coming.

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