Predestined - Chapter 1 The dream started the exact same way it had numerous times before. I was standing in the middle of a vast lush field; the grass was the colour of vibrant green emeralds. The whole scene looked surreal but I wasn’t shocked as I’d seen it before. Everything was so quiet, calm and relaxing. I gazed up into the sky to watch the glorious sunset unfold before my eyes. It was a magnificent show, the sky seemed to glow with an orange so intense it resembled flames licking the sky. Then as if by the flick of a switch, the sky was black and was speckled with luminescent stars shining brightly. I slowly lowered myself to the floor and laid back to watch the night sky in all its magnificence. I gazed for some time before my eyes began to sting a little and also became unfocussed. I closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose to try and relieve some of the pressure I could also feel. The silence was suddenly broken by the sound of incoming footsteps. The approach was very quiet but it was extremely noticeable because of the lack of sound prior to it. I tilted my head back reluctantly, dreading whatever was intruding in my dream. I say intruding because in all the times I’ve had this dream, never before have I ever seen another person here. My dream was different and I had a sense of foreboding. Something about the dream felt completely different to how it had played out before. I was both worried and intrigued by this mystery figure walking towards me. I took a deep breath and gradually pulled myself into a sitting position. I turned my body so I could try and see the entity more clearly but I found I couldn’t focus on them correctly. The figure seemed to be blurry, almost as if they were veiled in a cloud of smoke or something. I blinked trying to clear my eyes but it didn’t help. They remained painful and sore, almost seeming to throb in rhythm to my heartbeat. It wasn’t unbearable but I’d guess I’d call it more of a discomfort than an outright pain. The figure was now mere footsteps away from me, so I rolled onto my hands and knees and proceeded to push myself up into a standing position. The figure stopped a foot or so away from me, clouded in a nondescript aura of shadows yet I wasn’t afraid. In fact a feeling of warmth, security and love washed over and through me. Suddenly I felt dizzy and tingly; my entire body was flooded with the sensation of pins and needles. I dropped to my knees gasping for breath through the unfamiliar feeling that engulfed me. ‘Fear not my child. This is your destiny.’ the voice whispered tenderly against my ear, gently soothing me. ‘Who are you?’ I managed to get out between breaths. Suddenly before I knew what was happening, my back seemed to erupt into an overwhelming, excruciating pain. The agony began in-between my shoulder blades at the top of my back, and it felt as if where the trail of pain lead, fire was following it. Gradually the pain wrapped itself up over my shoulders and met in the centre of my chest mere inches below my collar bones. When the two opposing sides of pain collided together I gasped in agony, it felt as though my chest was going to explode, so much pressure seemed to build although I knew it must have been in my mind. The Burning feeling remained but the sharper pain that inflicted me moments before began to recede, and I could breathe again. My breathing slowly became more regular, and with each breath I took, the burning sensation became more bearable. My eyes still felt sore and I still couldn’t focus properly but I was glad to be rid of the intense pain I'd felt previously. ‘Well, I guess you could call me a messenger for all intensive purposes. I am here to deliver a message to you Raven.’ she replied in a melodious sing-song kind of way. ‘Wait, how do you know my name? Why are you here? What’s happening to me?’ I spoke slowly trying to be as clear and coherent as I could possibly manage. I began to strain my eyes, trying to see through the haze around the so called “messenger” and still couldn’t make out any distinguishable features. The messenger was definitely female; the voice was a dead giveaway. Way too feminine to be a man’s voice. It was so odd. What was wrong with me? I should be able to see her. Everything else was a little blurry but the figure; I just couldn’t focus on her at all. It was as if she was inside of shadows but that didn’t make any sense at all. ‘It matters not how I know your name. And as for why I am here. I’m here to relay a message. You are becoming one of the daughters of the elements, it is your destiny Raven’ she replied smoothly. ‘What does that mean? What’s a daughter of the elements?’ I replied back not sure whether I actually wanted an answer. ‘It means dear that you are becoming a witch, a true witch. It’s in your blood Raven. Your ancestor some generations ago was a witch, a high priestess to be exact. She was a coven leader. Since her, there have been many witches born into your family. And you have now begun your transformation. The pain you felt on your back and shoulders and chest will be explained by another once the dream is finished. I can tell you that you have been blessed Raven by the goddess herself, and in this blessing you will receive a great many powers that will manifest over time.’ My mouth hung open in astonishment. I mean what the hell?!? Witches? Surely they didn’t exist? And for her to tell me I am transforming into one? This has got to be the weirdest dream I have ever had yet it all felt so real. I didn’t know what to think. I felt so numb. ‘But this is just a dream isn’t it? This isn’t real is it?’ I asked hesitantly. ‘This is merely the easiest way for me to speak with you. You are dreaming, but everything I’ve said is true.’ She purred back softly. I closed my eyes and took a long, deep breath. I licked my lips and opened my eyes slowly to look towards the messenger. ‘Say I believe you, what happens now?’ I questioned inquisitively. ‘Well Raven. That’s easy to answer, this transition has occurred because you have turned 18 recently. There is a place all witches must go after the transition. It’s a boarding school for the paranormal. It’s not a school strictly for witches but for all paranormal beings between the ages of 18 – 22. There isn’t much time to explain more right now, in a moment when you wake up there will be someone waiting outside for you. They will explain what they can and will bring you to the school. They will also explain a cover story to your parents.’ She replied very simply. ‘I don’t know if I can do this. I don’t think I’m strong enough.’ I blurted feeling a ripple of panic threatening to overwhelm me. ‘You can do this child. You are special. You have been destined to be unique and powerful. You will be fine. I know that the goddess has a special interest in you, she’s chosen you especially.’ She reassured me. ‘What will my friends think? What do I do now? My whole #life is crumbling away – I don’t think I can do this, I really don’t think I can.’ I sobbed. ‘Hush dear. All will work out. You’ll see.’ She soothed. Tears streamed down my face. I felt completely and utterly hopeless. The messenger lady pulled me into an embrace and held me as I broke down. She smelt like vanilla and lavender. A warm peaceful feeling flooded through me and I started to calm. She kissed my forehead and stepped back. ‘Raven, welcome. I name you as a daughter of the elements; I bestow upon you the blessing of the goddess. You come from a long line of witches and their power will be yours in time. Blessed be.’ She spoke without hesitation in a very clear concise voice. I looked up into her eyes and could actually focus on them. They were magnificent. They shined luminously, the colour of bright shining sapphires. The colour was so vivid it almost hurt to look. She seemed to radiate power. Surely she must be more than just a messenger. I was about to ask but then she bowed to me and said the oddest thing. ‘Prepare yourself.’ I don’t really know exactly what I was expecting to happen. The wind suddenly picked up and my hair began to whip around my face. Then something completely unbelievable happened. A flash of lightning erupted above me and it seemed to zigzag towards me in slow motion. I knew I was going to be hit but I knew I wouldn’t get out of the way in time. I threw my hands up in the air and squealed. The lightning hit me, but it didn’t hurt me as I assumed it would. I was amazed. Something seemed to feel different. I felt different. Just when I thought it was all over the ground began to rumble. I glanced around in sheer panic trying to find her. My eyes met hers for a second and she spoke. ‘Don’t worry Raven, your new #life starts now.’ And on that parting note the ground fell away beneath my feet and I was falling. I was falling so long I thought it would never end. Then suddenly I struck something and bounced in the air – I was in my bedroom and I’d just collided into the bed. I was still in the air and saw that the bounce had put me on a direct path to land on the floor. I tried to brace myself as much as I could but the impact still caught me unaware. My back and chest flared up a burning sensation that took my breath away. ‘What the hell…’ I mumbled weakly trying to get my breath back. I started to move but a wave of dizziness and nausea stopped me in my tracks. My back, shoulders and chest were burning and my eyes were watering and stinging. I slowly crawled on my hands and knees to the bed and started to pull myself up. I staggered towards the window and peeked out through the blinds. I was hoping that everything I’d seen in the dream, including the person who was supposed to be waiting for me was just abstract crap from my mind but oh no… lucky me everything the messenger said was true. ‘Crap!!’ I grumbled quietly so as not to awaken anyone There was a really cool looking SUV just outside the house on the other side of the road, and leaning against the hood was a really handsome looking guy. He looked to be maybe 20 or 21, had dark brown hair in a short slightly spiky style. He must have been about 6ft2in which puts him in at almost a foot taller than me. Typical. I hate being such a short-ass. I’m only 5ft4in you see. He was wide across his shoulders, and was very muscular. He looked so rugged yet so handsome. He was wearing dark coloured jeans, a brown suede jacket over what appeared to be a grey coloured t-shirt and dark brown boots. He appeared very alluring. I blinked to be sure I wasn’t imagining things. Nope, not imagining things, he’s still there. He was looking straight at me as I was eyeing him up; I was suddenly embarrassed and mortified that he’d caught me staring. I averted eye contact instantly. I knew I must be blushing, but I forced myself to look back towards him slowly. He smiled back at me and slowly gestured to my front door. It took me a moment to realise he wanted me to let him in or talk to him. I merely nodded back. I slowly staggered to my bedroom door and grabbed my dressing gown. It was one of those fleecy ones. I slowly put the dressing gown on and tied the belt in the middle. I wasn’t about to let some guy I don’t know see my night clothes. I opened the bedroom door and as quietly as I could I began to sneak down the hall and gradually began descending down the stairs. Finally I arrived at the front door, and a surge of panic overwhelmed me. I whimpered quietly. ‘Shhhh, it’s all okay hun, just open the door for me please’ he pleaded softly. My eyes opened in astonishment. Surely he couldn’t have heard me whimper. It was only a quiet whimper. He must have heard me though. What other explanation was there. I slowly but surely slid the door ajar and peeked round the side of the door at him. I was breathing erratically and my mind was whirling with panic. He caught the look and raised his hands in a gesture that suggested he was unarmed. I took a few deep breaths before I managed to get the courage to speak. ‘Who… who are you?’ I asked nervously, and then licked my lips which seemed to be exceptionally dry. How stupid, pathetic and small I must seem to him and how horrendously embarrassing that stutter was. ‘My name is Julian, and you must be…’ he spoke softly and quietly. His voice calmed me and I could feel my breathing regulating. ‘Ehm, my name is Raven, erm’ I didn’t know what to say, I was completely flabbergasted. ‘Hi Raven, mind if I come in?’ He smiled sincerely My eyes bulged a little too wide and my heart fluttered unpredictably. He noticed my reaction and slowly moved his hand to his jacket pocket. He slowly pulled out a ring. It was silver in colour and had an odd design on it. He held it out to me. I took it from him and looked at it carefully in my hand. There was a 5 pointed star inside of a circle but the star and the circle almost looked like wood even though it was made out of silver. ‘Welcome Raven, Daughter of the elements, and blessed be’ he spoke softly. My heart fluttered again and I took a sharp inhalation of breath. None of it was a dream. It was all real. Some part of me was hoping that he was here because his SUV had broken down but oh no, my dream had to be real. Slowly as I began to comprehend everything that had taken place I gradually stepped back, opened the door a little more and allowed him access. We stood in the Entrance hall for a few moments as my gaze drifted from him, to the ring, and back again. Something about the ring kept drawing my attention. He gently plucked the ring from my fingers and took my left hand in his and put the ring on my finger. It fit perfectly like it was made especially for me. My gaze kept travelling from him to the ring. I was completely and utterly fascinated with it. I was perplexed; I didn’t know what to do. I started trembling slightly and finally managed to mumble something that even sounded like gibberish to me. ‘What was that hun?’ he gazed into my eyes and I saw a flicker of concern cross his face. ‘Erm, I’m sorry. This is just, I don’t know. Seems like a dream. I mean, what am I supposed to do now?’ I whimpered. A feeling of light headedness came on and I started to sway slightly. I felt the blood draining from my face and I started feeling tingly all over. I felt myself sliding away and I got black spots in my vision. Then suddenly everything was black. It was as if I had fallen into the abyss. I have no idea how long I was unconscious but I heard an incredibly quiet voice murmuring to me. ‘Raven, Raven, Wake up hun. Come on. Everything will be alright’ Julian soothed. My eyes drifted open and I saw that I was in my bedroom. I was laid on my bed and he was sat beside me holding my hand gently. My breathing started to pick up and I wanted to run. There was a man in my room. He noticed because he slowly raised his hands up again in an unarmed manor. He backed away slowly from the bed a mere step or two. ‘Raven, Don’t worry. You’re fine, you just blacked out. I caught you and brought you up to your room. I think we need to talk.’ I nodded slowly to show I understood and started to sit up to talk but the burning sensation in my chest and back returned and I couldn’t move. I closed my eyes for a moment, and then tried again. The smouldering feeling was too much. I couldn’t move so I just lay there. I opened my eyes and looked to him. Julian lifted one eyebrow to me. ‘What’s wrong hun?’ he asked curiously. ‘I can’t move. My chest and back burn.’ I replied quietly but honestly. ‘Can you show me where? Maybe I can help’ he asked. I thought about it for a moment. It seemed he didn’t mean me any harm. He addressed me as a daughter of the elements and the lady from the dream did say someone would be waiting. I didn’t really have anything to lose, especially if he could actually help me. I nodded, and started to lower my dressing gown slightly to give him access. I was wearing a vest top and pants so I wasn’t concerned too much. As I lowered it I heard him inhale a jagged breath. My eyes shot to his face and he had a shocked and amazed expression there. ‘What’s wrong? Please tell me.’ I pleaded. His eyes moved to my face and a magnificent smile appeared. ‘Nothing’s wrong hun, I’ve just never seen a new apprentice with markings. They are reserved normally for high priestesses only. This is a sign from the goddess to say you are very powerful. It’s also a sign she wishes you to be a high priestess.’ He spoke calmly and soothingly. ‘Oh’ I replied. It was all I could think to say. I didn’t dare look down at the markings he was talking about. I’d look later. I just couldn’t cope with any more right at this moment. Julian chuckled softly. Then took a deep breath and spoke again. ‘Okay. We need to get you ready to leave. You need to pack up belongings you want to take with you to the school. Its 5am now Raven, so we need to hurry. What time do your parents wake up?’ he stated and asked very matter of fact. ‘About 6.30am’ I answered without any delay. ‘Ok. Let’s start packing. While you were out I found this suitcase in your closet. If you gather some belongings and just throw them on the bed I’ll help you pack. You may want to get changed?’ he questioned. ‘Eh, sure but do you think you could help me up?’ I asked quietly. ‘Of course I can help you up. I’m Sorry Raven, I should have offered sooner’ he answered as he offered his hand to me. Slowly I raised my hand and placed it in his. A funny feeling came over me, It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was if he were running a small electric current through me, he looked at me in amazement and helped me up easily. I got to my feet and swayed a little and he swiftly held his arm out to help steady me. I moved slowly to my drawers with his help and started to pull out some clothes. But then I halted mid motion. ‘What do I need to take with me?’ I enquired, not wanting to think too much about the sensation that touching him gave me. ‘Well. To be honest the school will provide the clothes you need and all the things you will require. But you may need to take some of your own clothes and belongings for use outside the school walls.’ I started rummaging through my drawers and pulled out a few of my favourite pairs of jeans and some of my favourite T-shirts and threw them into the case. I grabbed a few books from my bedside table and threw them on the bed. Then I threw some underwear into the case. I grabbed my favourite pair of night clothes threw them in too then glanced at Julian. He was watching me with interest. I looked away and picked up some clean underwear, a vest and jeans to wear and began heading to the bathroom, I paused by the door and looked at him again. ‘I’ll be right back. I need to get changed’ ‘I’ll wait here for you. Once you’re ready, I’ll leave quietly and then knock on the front door. Speak to your parents, and then we’ll get going. And Raven, everything will work out alright.’ He reassured me. I turned and walked into the en-suite bathroom. I popped my clothes on the toilet lid and took a deep breath. I turned to the Mirror and gasped suddenly. My hair appeared longer and looked a deeper shade of red, almost resembling the colour of garnet; it also looked sleeker and shinier as if it had been straightened. That wasn’t the only change I noticed, my complexion looked clearer and smoother. The oddest change was that my iris’s had changed colour. They were a silvery lilac colour. I slowly moved my hands over my face and hair… it was all real. I didn’t know what to think. I didn’t know what to feel. I pushed everything away refusing to over think the changes, and started to strip my night clothes off. I threw the dressing gown across the bath, took my vest and night pants off. I turned around and caught sight of my reflection yet again. And once again I gasped, louder than before this time. A quiet knock resonated from the door. ‘I’m fine. Just a minute’ I replied quick, worried that Julian would walk in on me. I gazed back at the mirror astounded by what I was seeing. No wonder I was in agony. Where my back, shoulders and chest burnt earlier was now a marking. It looked like molten silver had been poured onto me in a set of intricate markings. There was a circle almost like a frame for something between my shoulder blades; something that resembled vines came round and over my shoulders and where they met in the centre of my chest was a 5 pointed star in a circle. I touched it slowly and found that the markings felt smooth and cool to the touch. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and then began to get dressed as quickly as I could. I was trying desperately to get a grip and to breathe through the hysteria humming through me. Millions of thoughts were tumbling around my head and I just had to escape. I hurried to get out of the room and in my rush I stumbled and collided straight into Julian. He grabbed me by my arms and held me still. I looked up and a single tear fell down my cheek, Julian slowly used his thumb to wipe it away and he slowly ushered me to the bed and sat me down. ‘What’s wrong Raven?’ ‘Everything’ I sobbed and covered my mouth with my hand. Tears started falling more freely now. I felt stupid but I couldn’t help it. ‘What’s specifically bothering you?’ he questioned quietly. ‘Well, I’m supposed to appear like normal to my parents this morning right? Well my eyes have changed colour, my hair has changed colour and length and it looks as if someone has poured molten silver onto me in an elaborate pattern. What the hell am I going to do?’ I blurted out stifling sobs to make it coherent. ‘Okay Raven. Take deep breaths, we can deal with this. We’ll hide the markings with a jumper or sweatshirt. Okay? Then we’ll tie your hair up and do you have a hat you can wear? As for your eyes I can only suggest sun glasses. I have to say Raven. The markings themselves are rare amongst all witches anyway. But for a newly transitioned witch to have the markings, and eye and hair colour change. You’re special Raven. Normally a newly transitioned witch appears the same as before. It takes time before any changes take place, and even then most witches only get the hair and eye changes if that. The High Mistress of the school will be surprised to see this I feel.’ He explained calmly to me. I took a breath and felt myself relax. ‘Okay. I think I can get through this. Are you going to tell my parents now?’ ‘I think it’s best. Here, put this on. Tie your hair up and pop a cap on. And grab a pair of sunglasses.’ I did as he asked as he fastened my case. I grabbed my purse off the desk and popped it into my sweatshirt pocket and proceeded to follow him down the stairs. He turned round and smiled at me once more then left the house.

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