Shopping For Blonds Being of blond hair colour and of male gender can be a difficult combination sometimes. I only recently discovered that "Blond" is one of very few words in the English language that has both a masculine and a feminine spelling - you'll notice "Blonde" in the women's shampoo isle. For years I had thought there had only been the feminine spelling, and leaving out the e might have been some sort of Americanism or something, but no! Back to why it's so difficult being blond and male... Look at any fashion magazine or go on any popular online clothes retailer and you'll never see and bright blond male model wearing any of the clothes. Any "blond" you do see is has had either highlights or a rather unnaturally pale hair dye job, and massive rolling quiffs that look like something from a 70s diner in Miami. The typical man cannot achieve such things, and nor are they interested. They are happy wearing "normal" clothes, but blonds are suck wondering what "normal" looks like. After all, all the pictures in the clothes shops are of gruffier, and more importantly DARKER haired models. This change in palette, leaves me feeling insecure about anything I think about putting on, confining me into what feels like a "dark blue period" spanning my teens and now threatening my early twenties.

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