Vertalen   13 jaren geleden

Where's The Time 16 and in 1 and a half weeks I'll be starting my exams for the summer. I'm a gymnast who trains 10 hours a week after cutting down for exams, and I have a Saturday job for 4 hours. I also play recorder (not a very impressive instrument, i know, but i've stuck at it ever since primary when they gave those lessons for free) at grade 6 and above all, I'M A TEENAGER!!! When am I supposed to have a social #life when there's soo much to be done? How am I supposed to get revision done when teachers still set so much homework? How am I supposed to breath? Grrr stressed isn't even the word. My family definitely isn't well off like others, but we get by just fine but the issue is there's no space! I share a room with my sister and the flat is always full of people - at least it feels that way. I don't have enough space or quiet to revise at home but libraries only stay open for so long. Luckily, I don't have as many exams as some of my friends, but most of them don't have to balance nearly as much as I do fortunately. Just needed to vent really, and if anyone actually does read this and relates, well YES! I'm not alone haha

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