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And Then He Kissed Me ~ A Siva Story You'd met the boys loads of times and had developed a massive crush on Siva, the handsome, mysterious member of the band. He had pronounced cheekbones and hair so luscious that he'd spike up every day in a massive quiff. "She's thinking about him again!" you hear Michelle mumble. "No I am not! I was thinking about.." "Let me guess", Kelsey replied. "Siva. The handsome, yet mysterious member of the band. He has pronounced cheekbones and hair so luscious that he spikes up in a quiff everyday!" She and Michelle giggled. "You can be really creepy at times, Kelsey. You know that, don't you?" "Creepy? No. Amazing? Yes!" You and Michelle roll your eyes. You three were like sisters. You all go back to trying on some dresses. You and Michelle grab the same dress at the same time before resulting in a fit of laughs. "Here, look! There's another one here. Completely identical! Lets try them on and see who looks best in them!" says Michelle. "You're on!" you reply. You both rush into cubicles, leaving Kelsey just rummaging through a load of other dresses. After about 2 minutes, you both emerge. Michelle screams. "OH MY GOD! THIS DRESS MAKES MY BOOBS LOOK LIKE .. " The bell rings as someone enters the shop. The three of you snap your heads round, looking to see the customer. It was Max. "Wow." he whispers. Michelle begins to freak out. "Don't look at me!" She screams again and runs into a cubicle to get out of the extremely flattering dress. I shrug my shoulders and enter the cubicle next to Michelle's. You hear someone leave the shop. You could tell it was Kelsey. Well, you hoped that it was Kelsey wearing the heels and not Max! Max speaks, "We'll be waiting outside, yeah?" Michelle replies, "Just get out of here, Max, before I kick you out with my pointed stilettos!" I heard Max whimper and I laughed, knowing that Michelle wasn't even wearing stilettos and that she was wearing Converse. Max leaves the shop and you and Michelle burst into fits of giggles. A few minutes later, you both emerge, still in giggles. "Max is so gullible!" Michelle cries. You chuckle, "Oh yes he is!" You leave the shop to find Tom and Kelsey snogging - like always! - while Nathan, Max, Siva and Jay were just standing around in an awkward conversation which was unusual for them. They normally got on so well. You noticed Siva was extraordinarily quiet. Your phone bleeps and you pull your phone from your pocket to notice a call from the undertakers. Your eyes filled with tears. It ha only been a week since your dad died and you were still really upset. You step away from the group into the entrance of a nearby alley. No one noticed you were gone except for Siva, who looked extremely concerned. You press the green button on your phone and then place it beside your ear. "Hello?" you ask. "Good morning, this is Mr. Graham's from Elton's Undertakers" says the receiver. "Yes, I know", you whisper. "I am sorry to inform you but a funeral can not be held for your father as once we came back from a weeks break, we found his body half decomposed by mould and parasites" he says. Your eyes fill with tears. You press the red button on your phone and throw it into the street. You slump against the wall, whimpering and crying. You hear footsteps immediately. You don't bother looking, you felt like that your #life was now just a step away from hell. The footsteps' owner sat beside you and put their arm around you. He places his head on yours. "Don't cry. Everything will work out", you hear Siva say. You felt worse. It had to be him of all people who caught you in this state. He slides your phone into your pocket. "Seev?" you ask. "Did it hurt this much when your dad died?" He sighed and you could feel a tear of his fall onto your hair. "Yeah. I know the pain and I won't let you go through it. It's such a horrible torture to bare" he says. You turn slightly and bury yourself in his chest, staining his beautiful shirt with tears. He rubs your arm. "Tell me about him" Siva says. "Why?" you ask. "Just.. it will help, I promise." he replies. He slides one of his hands into yours. "He was funny" you start. "Go on" Siva encourages. "I don't know what to say", you whisper. "What did you most want to do with him?" he mumbles into your hair before kissing it for your comfort. "I.. I couldn't wait for the day when he would take my hand and hand me over to the man of my dreams. I just loved the idea of my dad walking me down the aisle", you begin crying again. "Here, come on, we'll get through this!" he says. "What do you mean.. we?!" I ask. "I'm not letting you go until you're ready to continue with #life" he whispers. You smile and sit upright, hanging on to a button on his shirt, playing with it absent-mindedly. You look up at him to find him staring adoringly into your eyes. "Thanks, Seev. You're great" you say. He chuckles. "I'm really not" he smiles. You laugh, thinking that maybe #life won't be so bad with Siva for comfort. "Hey, Seev?" you ask. "Yeah, hun?" he replies. "You know I said about my wedding, would you walk me down the aisle?" you were hesitant but desperate, if that was possible. He groaned; you knew you shouldn't have asked. He starts, "You see, the thing is, I don't want to walk you down the aisle.. I want to be waiting at the end of the aisle". He jumps up and pulls you with him so you are both standing so close you could feel his breath beating down on your face. You smile with curiosity. "What do you mean?" you ask. Siva leans in, hesitant but longingly, before he breaks the gap and lays his lips on yours. He was so gentle, yet passionate. Strong, yet soft. He quickly pulls away. You notice rain falling heavily around you. "Does that explain?" he asks. You decide to tease him a little. "No, I don't think it does. Can you give me another clue?" you say, smiling. "You're going to be the death of me!" he grabs the tops of your legs and lifts you up so you're face to face. You grin before placing both your hands on his cheeks and crash your lips against his face. "I love you, Seev!" you say, moments later. "I love you too!" he winks, puts you down and takes your hand. "Come on then, little lady. Let's go tell the others about us!" He winks again leaving you in fits of laughter. You turn the corner out of the alleyway before Nathan begins shouting. "Here come the lovebirds, soaking wet after kissing in the rain!" he shouts, grinning like a Cheshire cat. You whisper, "Shu'up!" before looking down at the ground, covering your face with your hair. Siva squeezes your hand before you look up to find a dazzling gaze beat from his eyes into yours. I wrote this a while ago and I accidentally deleted the start so it is a bit dodgy but, yanno! Enjoyx

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