Fall The view from the top Both terrifying and beautiful. As I approached the ledge, I felt afraid I knew that after the ensuing step everything would be different The plunge was not the product of a "Leap Of Faith", but more a Gentle Push that forced me to believe And the farther I fell, the more I believed. The fear I felt at first, quickly disappeared And left behind a feeling of excitement A feeling of true happiness And though I was moving at such an alarming speed, I've never felt so comfortable in all my #life And as I fell, I couldn't help but think about the distance I've travelled The moments I've passed The beauty I've seen. And I realise that I will never again relive that initial view I will never again gaze down in wonder and fear at the seemingly endless below. But as I stare ahead and see no sign of any end I'm reminded that there's so much left to come I pray that I never reach the bottom Because when I fell I fell for you

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