übersetzen   13 Jahre

Men This is for men what can I say, If you don't like sports they say your gay They like raw meat Served on their plates No finesse or style, oh what a hate I see men standing at pub bars Eyeing up women and talking about cars Providers and hunters And killing breeds Of animals from land and the seas Mans great achievements Please do give me a laugh, You've only just sent probes up to mars! You talk about sex Like you know the whole lot When 99 per cent can't find a lady's G spot Football and cricket to name but a few Rugby, motor racing, with boxing too You know all your sports And who won what In front of the tv Until you drop Nights with the lads All playing cards Speaking such rubbish And letting out farts Vile, uncouth, laborious and large The bloke things they do Such as speak out their arse They spit on the pavements Put hands down their pants There's nothing much down there, so do they have ants? They'll climb any mountain Because it is there Wont pick flowers But they go hunting bears The male race is an unstable one The use of their language Makes for redundant tongue's Four letters long, and their at ease Anymore than that and they say what they please Instruction manuals heres a good one Ever seen a bloke be able to follow one? Its "to hell with them, I can do it", you know full well they'll be useless at it. Do it yourselfers I do love those types All about details with so many gripes Then the mechanics Who tinkers with cars Trying so hard to make them go fast The green fingered gardener That potters about Winning and moaning there might be a drought Ive seen them all I'm sorry to say And even now up to this day I hang my head in a bow of shame As I walk this earth sharing the name Of man or male, what ever you like The great male race who will always strike At whats not natural, what's not good and most of all what's not understood For if man can't cook it,use it or screw They'll end up destroying this planet and you. (Authors note, I'm male 36 three children, married, and pleased to say fit into none of the above!)

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