Why Liberals Trump Themselves It's weird when you think that one of the most diverse groups in the world are also one of the most easily angered and self-assured. Liberals are peoples who are left-wing, anti-war, caring for the environment, normally very open minded in religious matters. So how come when it comes to a liberal being debated for what they believe, they become angry and always seem to be able to have "the truth" that must be right. I'm mostly liberal in what I believe in, whether its politics, religion or social aspects, but I'm not going to say that atheism is the only way; the government should destabilize more policies; countries should not commit to funding armies and education should be more free to everyone that has another opinion. Sure, I'll bring up why this may be a better way - but I'm not going to scream in their face it's the only way. It seems though, most liberals do feel this way. They feel that their say is right, because a book wrote by a Professor said it was, or Scientists proclaimed it. But realistically, the Earth and humans are still so young, we are still only in our first steps, how are we to know what is right? How are we to know how we will evolve in 50 years? 100 years ago, automotives were specialized for the rich only, now almost anyone can afford a car. What's say in 50 years, we'll all not have flights to space for cheap - and houses on the moon? What I'm saying is the world is young, liberals are too "in your face" about them being right and everyone else being idiots.

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