Religion: 3 The Sistine Chapel: in the heart of the Vatican and head of the Catholic Church. I've never been there, but it looks like an astonishing building. What I'm interested in though, is the art on the ceiling. And in particular, it's most famous part; The Creation of Man. If you ever take the time out to look at this, which I think you should, you might get what I'm talking about. In the mean time for those of you who don't know, it's Adam laid down, and his finger is outstretched to reach God's, who is also stretching his arm. You'll probably recognise it when you see it. Anyway, God is seen surrounded by Angels and the like, wrapped inside what can only be described as a pink blanket. Back to QI, my hero Stephen Fry asks, 'Now what does that pink cloth look like to you?' and then I realised; a brain. He laughed it off, and said it was probably just a little joke by Michelangelo. Of course, I didn't think that. No. I was probably the only one in the world to whom this meant everything. As I said, it had been a few years since I first thought of the theory to when I saw this. I was probably going crazy, but I thought I was being spoken to. A lot of the stuff came flooding back to me so I quickly wrote it down, before I forgot. If you want more, tell me and I'll paste it.
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