Translate   12 years ago

Blog Blog attempt número 1. Not sure what language that is to be honest, Italian? French, I think? Either way, it sounds better than in English! Not entirely sure what a blog should consist of so I guess it'll be whatever I want it to be, whether an account of my day, a random opinion or just if I'm bored and want to pretend I'm texting someone when I'm actually doing this! Haha. At the moment I'm lying in bed thinking about how I vowed to get a load of work done this time last night, but only did a quarter of I what I planned! Well, tomorrow's another day but let's face it, no matter how much I schedule and plan, I probably won't get enough done; such is my nature I'm afraid. Tomorrow morning I've planned to get up at 6:30 and go for a jog for the first time ever (literally, ever. Ive ner gone jogging before) before school and that way nobody will see me sweat and pant, but the greatest issue will be getting myself out of bed that early (I usually get up at around 8:15 for school) so I'm kind of curious to see what my will power is that early in the morning haha. Anyways, my eyes are drooping and my covers are snug, so good night. Adios amigos xo (Spanish?)

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