No Justice For Death Murderers, rapists & thieves, they all end up in jail, But death continues on it's path and seems to just get bail! It roams the world and picks us off, slowly one by one, It plays it's game and carries on making it's sordid fun! It will not listen, it will not holt, to it we are but pawns, It does not care that we are losers and that the world does mourn! And when it comes knocking at your front door, You'll fight with all you #life, you say I'll end it and yell "no more"! But there is no justice for death you see, it'll win no matter what, It'll take who it wants, it'll leave you behind, it'll never say "that's my lot"! It touches us all at sometime in #life, from near to further afar, There is no justice for death you see as it leaves an emotional scar!

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